A young man once approached an older Christian with the question, “What does it mean as far as this life is concerned to be ‘crucified with Christ?’” The believer replied, “It means three things: (1) a man on a cross is facing only one direction; (2) he is not going back; and (3) he has no further plans of his own. First, a crucified man is facing in only one direction. Too many Christians are trying to face in two directions at the same time. They are divided in heart. They want Heaven, but they also are in love with the world. They are like Lot’s wife; they are running one way, but are facing another. Second, a crucified man is not coming back. The cross spells finis for him; he is not going to return to his old life. Third, a crucified man has no plans of his own. He is finished with the vainglory of this life. Its chains are all broken, and its charms are all gone.” A.W. Tozer
March 14, 2020
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