Orthodoxy in Moose Jaw

Candle to Candle

By one candle is another lit, from one heart does another heart love, by one soul is another soul enlightened. So that thousands might be warmed and enlightened, a flame must first be lit somewhere. How precious that flame is! How we ought to love and to venerate God’s elect, whom He sends into the world to proclaim His will and to witness to Him! I am struck with awe and bow down prostrate before the mystery of God’s love, wisdom, and mercy.

S. Bulgakov

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Daily Bible Reading


September 2, 2024


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“And there was a great calm” [Matt. 8:26]. It is necessary that what you read daily from the Gospel be a real event in your life, as if it had taken place in your presence and with your participation. For that is precisely why we are given the holy Gospel, in order that all the […]

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A Prayer from the Heart

Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, wretch that I am! Jesus Christ, through Your most sweet Name, you calm the tempest in my heart occasioned by these brutal circumstances. You appear in the troubled waters of my soul and extend a helping hand to me, and I hear Your most sweet voice: […]

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Matins: Sundays @ 9:20 a.m. (if scheduled; consult Facebook page)

Divine Liturgy: Sundays @ 10:00 a.m.

Great Vespers: Saturdays @ 7:00 p.m.

Contact us for dates and times of special services which celebrate the Great Feasts of the Church. IN GENERAL, festal services during the week are at 9 a.m.


Information is always updated on our FACEBOOK page. (Search for Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, Moose Jaw.)

NOW AVAILABLE: Calendar for ALL Services offered at our parish during Great Lent 2024. See the Facebook page, or search for “Great Lent” on this website.

To donate by etransfer, use the church email address: holytrinitymoosejaw@gmail.com


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